Leading Edge continued to track significant differences in responses between those who wanted to leave their organization in the next year and those who were committed to staying for five or more years.
Since 2014, Leading Edge has been conducting a broad literature and field review across industries, disciplines, and sectors to identify the core factors of great workplace culture. These include:
See page 10 in the report for discussions of each factor.
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Leading Edge is the first and only organization strengthening the entire Jewish nonprofit sector by developing leadership and culture.
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The Chief Talent Officer of Hillel International reflects on the concrete changes that Hillel has made as a result of a deep analysis of its employee engagement data.
To support organizations in creating even better places to work, Leading Edge conducts an annual Employee Experience Survey. In 2018, some 7,300 employees from 105 organizations participated.
Results from the Second Annual Employee Engagement Survey
Results from the Pilot Employee Engagement Survey.
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