This report shares data from the Jewish nonprofit sector that we collected in May 2023, before anyone knew how our field’s work and context would change this autumn. It’s important to remember that certain parts of the experience of leaders and employees, and certain parts of CEOs’ relationships with their boards, have changed since our 2023 surveys were in the field. And yet, we firmly believe this report is still valuable for understanding today’s world, and for helping to improve the effectiveness of Jewish nonprofits. Jewish organizations do amazing work, Jewish organizations are under strain, and these findings are a snapshot of the field's workforce and leadership as we entered into this crisis. This report shows the starting point, just before this nightmare began.
This “State of the Jewish Workplace” report is a new format for us. In previous years, Leading Edge published two reports sharing separate insights from the Employee Experience Survey and the CEO Survey. This year, we present one unified report, based on both of those surveys and also informed by all the other ways Leading Edge learns about the field. We hope that this new format will make our findings clearer, more accessible, and more relevant.
© 2023. This Leading Edge resource can be shared under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No-Derivatives International License 4.0.
Leading Edge is the first and only organization strengthening the entire Jewish nonprofit sector by developing leadership and culture.
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Are Jewish organizations great places to work? Not yet—but we’re striving.
This report shares findings from Leading Edge’s second CEO Survey, drawing on the experiences of 222 leaders of Jewish nonprofits from around North America.
Jewish organizations demonstrated relative resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This report shares findings from the pilot CEO Survey from Leading Edge.
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