Jillian was Executive Assistant at Boardified before Boardified was acquired by Leading Edge. Jillian serves as the point of contact for scheduling requests and project support, leaning on over 13 years of experience working in various administrative roles. Learn more about her below!
What does a “great place to work” mean to you?
A "great place to work" is one where there is mutual respect among all team members and providing feedback is safe and welcome - even when there's a hard conversation to have. A great place to work is one that is committed to learning, growing, and challenging the status quo. Keeping the big picture in mind and generally having a collaborative v. competitive mentality is also important.
What are you looking forward to most about joining Leading Edge?
I have amazing coworkers (which is huge) and the culture at Leading Edge is really fantastic. I love that the Leading Edge mission is to help organizations with workplace culture because I think that's so important. Besides that, I grew up in a multifaith household, and it's refreshing to work in a Jewish space for the first time in my professional life.
What’s your favorite place to travel?
I really love Bisbee, AZ. It's a cute, little town that's an easy drive away. Perfect for a weekend getaway.
What's the best TV show, movie, book, or podcast you've enjoyed in the last year?
I'm an avid show watcher and book reader so this question is fun but tough! In the last year, my favorite show was probably YellowJackets but I recently finished Loot and Hacks, which were both great. My favorite books in the last year were The Mars Room, Sister Outsider, and Toxic Positivity.
What is something you have accomplished as an adult that your younger self would be proud of?
I used to be extremely shy. Photography was something I started doing in college that built up my confidence a lot. We had to get in front of the classes and present our work. I learned that when you're talking about topics you're passionate about, public speaking can actually be fun. As a kid, I don't think I could ever have imagined I'd someday feel brave enough to photograph weddings or speak up in a room full of people.
What's one thing that can instantly make your day better?
Coffee or a Coke (my guilty pleasure).
Leading Edge
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