Leah joins Leading Edge as Program Manager, Leading Places to Work. Previously, Leah spent 9 years at the Union for Reform Judaism with a portfolio that included youth engagement and education, leadership development, congregational support, and expanding the pipeline into Jewish community. (Read her full bio here.)
What does a “great place to work” mean to you?
A great place to work is one where employees are valued for their talents and interests, and treated as whole human beings. There is trust between all levels of the organization. There is a clear mission, and employees know how they fit in as contributors and stakeholders. For me, a great place to work is my home office; I love being a remote worker!
Where is your favorite place to travel?
My family has been spending time on the North Carolina coast since I was young, and we've continued the tradition with new partners and kids. I love going every summer and now I love to share the experience with my own daughter.
What's the best TV show, movie, book, or podcast you've consumed in the last year?
This year I challenged myself to read more fiction. My favorite so far has been "The Vanishing Half" by Brit Bennett.
If you could take a week off from your regular life to immerse yourself in learning something new, what would it be?
I would love to be great at Sketch Noting, a form of visual note-taking. It combines my love of art with organization and skilled communication.
What’s a work lesson you’ve had to learn the hard way?
Don't let "perfect" be the enemy of "good."
What's one thing that can instantly make your day better?
An episode of a favorite comedy like "Schitt's Creek," "The Office," or "The Good Place" especially if I've already seen it a dozen times!
What are you looking forward to most about joining Leading Edge?
As a Jewish professional, I have benefited from the work of Leading Edge for years. I'm so excited to join such a smart and forward-thinking team and have the chance to do work that makes such an impact on the field. I can already tell that I'll be stretched in new and exciting ways!
Leading Edge
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